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Race taxi
  • Tired of watching onboard videos and want to experience some proper track action for real? Looking for a gift for your dearest and you're out of ideas? Just want to have some fun? Let us take you for a few laps around the track in GMS prepared Alfa Romeo 4C. It's a fast, light, nimble, capable and temperament car to drive. All you have to do is sit in and enjoy this exhilarating experience while FIA licensed driver takes control of the steering wheel.


    We can take you for a few nice fluent laps, or we can go for a few fast laps, it's all up to you. In both cases, we'll drive safely and responsibly and fully respect your limitations.


    GMS race taxi includes 5 laps (as co-driver) in GMS tuned Alfa Romeo 4C. 1x warmup lap+ 3x hot lap + 1x cooldown lap.


    This driving experience is suitable for everyone and perfect idea for gift.


    Pricing and other important information in the additional info section.

    Race taxi

    € 190,00Prezzo
      • 190,00€ for 5 laps (as co-driver)
        • 1x warmup lap
        • 3x hot lap
        • 1x cooldown lap
      • Motorsport helmet is mandatory (available for rent 10,00€)
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